"Aridakdak" is a word in ILOKANO

aridakdak ILOKANO

v. /-UM-/ to walk heavily on floor, to stamp the floor. Sann kay nga umaridakdak dita ta adda matmaturog. Don’t stamp the floor there for someone is sleeping. --syn. ARIMPADEK.

Few words of positivity

He was a master in the art of spreading boredom and playing the clumsy fool-though never so egregiously that people might enjoy making fun of him or use him as the butt of some crude practical joke inside the guild. He succeeded in being considered totally uninteresting. People left him alone. And that was all he wanted.

Patrick Süskind, Perfume: The Story of a Murderer

Laugh your heart out.

What do lawyers do after they die?They lie still.

dasa-dasa HILIGAYNON

dasâ-dasâ - To act-thoughtlessly,—lightheartedly,—foolishly,—impetuously; to walk noisily over boards, stamp the feet on the floor, etc. (cf. dalás, dasôdasô, tabinás, …

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kanabtuog ILOKANO

n. a kind of noise or sound like that produced when running and stamping on the floor, when falling down …

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latik-latik HILIGAYNON

latík-latík - Dim. and Freq. of latík. Also: to pace to and fro, walk about noisily, stamp the floor or …

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pudag-pudag HILIGAYNON

pudág-púdag - Dim. and Freq. of púdag. To shuffle or scrape the floor with the feet, stamp the feet, dance …

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púgsak - To do something with force or violence, as kicking, stamping, throwing something on the floor, etc. (cf. púsdak, …

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To bring down (the foot) forcibly on the ground or floor; as, he stamped his foot with rage.

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úsdang - To fall on one’s back; to stamp the feet on the floor (ground). (cf. úgsang, úsgang; pusádpúsad, pundágpúndag).

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