"Arduously" is a word in ENGLISH

arduously ENGLISH

In an arduous manner; with difficulty or

Few words of positivity

He shouldn't say things like that in front of the artworks, especially when they're angry, but he always does.

Donna K. Fitch, The Color of Darkness and Other Stories

Laugh your heart out.

A guy stumbles through the front door of a bar, ambles up to the bartender and orders a beer. The bartender looks at the drunk man and says,"I'm sorry sir, but I can't serve you...you've already had too much to drink." The guy swears and walks out of the bar. Five minutes later the guy comes flying through the side door of the bar, and yells for a beer. Again the bartender says,"I'm sorry, sir...but I can't serve you...you've already had too much to drink!" Ten minutes later, the same guy comes barrel-assing through the back door of the bar, storms up to the bartender, and demands a beer. Again, the bartender says to the man..."I'm really sorry, sir, but you've had too much to drink...you're going to have to leave!" The guy looks quizzically at the bartender and says finally, "My God, man... How many bars do you work at?!!!"

arduous ENGLISH

Steep and lofty, in a literal sense; hard to climb.

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arduous ENGLISH

Attended with great labor, like the ascending of acclivities; difficult; laborious; as, an arduous employment, task, or enterprise.

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arduousness ENGLISH

The quality of being arduous; difficulty of execution.

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difficult ENGLISH

Hard to do or to make; beset with difficulty; attended with labor, trouble, or pains; not easy; arduous.

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difficulty ENGLISH

The state of being difficult, or hard to do; hardness; arduousness; -- opposed to easiness or facility; as, the difficulty …

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enterprise ENGLISH

That which is undertaken; something attempted to be performed; a work projected which involves activity, courage, energy, and the like; …

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Difficult to accomplish; full of obstacles; laborious; fatiguing; arduous; as, a hard task; a disease hard to cure.

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kakúlì - (H) Slowness, arduousness, hardness, laboriousness, irksomeness, toilsomeness, condition of something that is achieved only step by step with …

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mabúdlay - Laborious, toilsome, arduous, tedious, wearisome, irksome, tiresome, tiring, tired. (búdlay).

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An adjective suffix meaning full of, abounding in, having, possessing the qualities of, like; as in gracious, abounding in grace; …

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palakusgan HILIGAYNON

palakúsgan - (H) Anything that needs force, great efforts or application; arduous, laborious, hard, difficult. (cf. kusúg, kúsug).

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ugba v {1} [A; a1] work arduously, earnestly. Adlaw-adlaw muugba si Pidru sa íyang uma arun mabúhì ang pamilya, Pe-dro …

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