"Apuntasiyun" is a word in CEBUANO

apuntasiyun CEBUANO

apuntasiyun n prompting in a drama.

Few words of positivity

The truth is, I think country music... there's a lot of great people, and just being raised the way a lot of country boys and girls are, hopefully there's just a lot of respect.

Lee Brice

Laugh your heart out.

Q: How many Australians does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: One, but you have to pry him off the sheep first. A: Two - one to say "She'll be right mate" and one to fetch the beers. A: 16. One to change the bulb and 15 to say "Good on yer, mate!"

treckschuyt ENGLISH

A covered boat for goods and passengers, used on the Dutch and Flemish canals.

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Something in the form of a fan when spread, as a peacock's tail, a window, etc.

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akikid ILOKANO

adj. /(NA-)/ narrow, of little breadth. --ant. AKABA, LAWA.

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To; at; on; -- in OF. shortened to a-. See Ad-.

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stretcher ENGLISH

A litter, or frame, for carrying disabled, wounded, or dead persons.

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To attend the levee or levees of.

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To transfer (a piece or man) from one space or position to another, according to the rules of the game; …

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melancholy ENGLISH

Depressed in spirits; dejected; gloomy dismal.

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Allocato Comitatu LAW AND LEGAL

TU. In old Eng-lish practice. In proceedings in outlawry, wheu there were but two county courts holden between the delivery …

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sobra WARAY
maniglion ENGLISH

Either one of two handles on the back of a piece of ordnance.

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Between molecules; situated, or acting, between the molecules of bodies.

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winsome ENGLISH

Cheerful; merry; gay; light-hearted.

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twiner ENGLISH

Any plant which twines about a support.

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simirisir CEBUANO

simirísir n {1} medium-sized bicycle tire, larger than a racer but smaller than the wide-tired bicycle. {2} bicycle with a …

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holidam ENGLISH