"Apposed" is a word in ENGLISH

apposed ENGLISH

Placed in apposition; mutually fitting, as the mandibles
of a bird's beak.

Few words of positivity

...a freeze response (dissociation, collapse, numbing, paralysis, deadness) during the incident that threatened your life or limb. Sometimes it's difficult for people to understand that this is really survival response...

Babette Rothschild, 8 Keys to Safe Trauma Recovery: Take-Charge Strategies to Empower Your Healing

Laugh your heart out.

Remember, an alcoholic & a drunk are not the same thing at all.The alcoholic has to attend meetings.

apposition ENGLISH

The putting of things in juxtaposition, or side by side; also, the condition of being so placed.

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parathesis ENGLISH

The placing of two or more nouns in the same case; apposition.

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