"Antiphonic" is a word in ENGLISH

antiphonic ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

I realize now, I was learning how to walk as well. I haven’t mastered the steps, I fall too. But im on my path, my path... and one day that path... will take me to her.

Makoto Shinkai, The Garden of Words

Laugh your heart out.

This farmer has 500 hens but no rooster so he goes to his neighbor and asks him if he could buy a rooster for $100. The neighbor says, "You can have this rooster. His name's Roy. He'll get all your hens pregnant. He's a real stud." So the farmer takes him home and says, "It's your first day so take it slow, okay?" The farmer puts Roy in the hen house and then hears all the hens crying and yelling. Roy nailed every one of those hens and then nailed a duck and a goose at a pond. The next morning the farmer finds Roy lying dead with his legs sticking in the air and buzzards circling overhead. The farmer says, "Roy, did you have to die?" Roy says, "Quiet! They're about to land!"

antiphon ENGLISH

A musical response; alternate singing or chanting. See Antiphony, and Antiphone.

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antiphon ENGLISH

A verse said before and after the psalms.

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antiphonal ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to antiphony, or alternate singing; sung alternately by a divided choir or opposite choirs.

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antiphonal ENGLISH

A book of antiphons or anthems.

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antiphonary ENGLISH

A book containing a collection of antiphons; the book in which the antiphons of the breviary, with their musical notes, …

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antiphone ENGLISH

The response which one side of the choir makes to the other in a chant; alternate chanting or signing.

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antiphoner ENGLISH

A book of antiphons.

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antiphony ENGLISH

A musical response; also, antiphonal chanting or signing.

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antípona - (Sp. antífona) Antiphony, antiphon.

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dirige ENGLISH

A service for the dead, in the Roman Catholic Church, being the first antiphon of Matins for the dead, of …

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double ENGLISH

A feast in which the antiphon is doubled, hat is, said twice, before and after the Psalms, instead of only …

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gradual ENGLISH

An antiphon or responsory after the epistle, in the Mass, which was sung on the steps, or while the deacon …

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improperia ENGLISH

A series of antiphons and responses, expressing the sorrowful remonstrance of our Lord with his people; -- sung on the …

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The fourth Sunday of Lent; -- so named from the Latin word Laetare (rejoice), the first word in the antiphone …

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placebo ENGLISH

The first antiphon of the vespers for the dead.

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responsorial ENGLISH

Responsory; antiphonal.

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Verses of Scripture sung at Mass, instead of the Alleluia, from Septuagesima Sunday till the Saturday befor Easter; -- so …

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