"Anthropomancy" is a word in ENGLISH

anthropomancy ENGLISH

Divination by the entrails of human being.

Few words of positivity

I welcome you to my home as my son, as the husband of my daughter who is the noor of my eye. Your pain will be our pain, your joy our joy. I hope that you will come to see your Khala and Jamila and me as a second set of parents, and I pray for your and our lovely Soraya jan's happiness. you both have our blessings.

Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner

Laugh your heart out.

What's a moo hoo for grazing school? Grass class!

aruspex ENGLISH

One of the class of diviners among the Etruscans and Romans, who foretold events by the inspection of the entrails …

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hieroscopy ENGLISH

Divination by inspection of entrails of victims offered in sacrifice.

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ichthyomancy ENGLISH

Divination by the heads or the entrails of fishes.

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