"Antedating" is a word in ENGLISH

antedating ENGLISH

of Antedate

Few words of positivity

A straightforward answer to a straightforward question will move you that much more forward in this world, that much faster.

Loren Weisman

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the school bully kick the classroom computer?Someone told him he was supposed to boot up the system.

antedate ENGLISH

To date before the true time; to assign to an earlier date; thus, to antedate a deed or a bond …

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antedate ENGLISH
antedate ENGLISH

To precede in time.

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antedate ENGLISH

Prior date; a date antecedent to another which is the actual date.

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antedate ENGLISH

To anticipate; to make before the true time.

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To date an instrument as of a time before the time it was written

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antidit CEBUANO

antidit v [A; c16] antedate, assign an earlier date to a docu-ment than the true date. Antidítun (iantidit) lang nátù …

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Falsi Crimen LAW AND LEGAL

EN. Fraudulent suboma-tlon or concealment, with design to darken or hide the truth, and make things appear otherwise than they …

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predate ENGLISH

To date anticipation; to affix to (a document) an earlier than the actual date; to antedate; as, a predated deed …

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prochronism ENGLISH

The dating of an event before the time it happened; an antedating; -- opposed to metachronism.

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