"Anodynous" is a word in ENGLISH

anodynous ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

The world is corrupt, and the way for me to make it better is not by writing letters, but joining my efforts with those of others to produce a work of beauty.

H.S. Ede

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Brian !Brian who ?Brian drain !

alep-ep ILOKANO

n. plaster, bandage; poultice, anodyne; also, a piece of banana leaf placed over a pot of rice under the cover …

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anodyne ENGLISH

Serving to assuage pain; soothing.

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anodyne ENGLISH

Any medicine which allays pain, as an opiate or narcotic; anything that soothes disturbed feelings.

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antalgic ENGLISH

A medicine to alleviate pain; an anodyne.

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chlorodyne ENGLISH

A patent anodyne medicine, containing opium, chloroform, Indian hemp, etc.

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A powder of ipecac and opium, compounded, in the United States, with sugar of milk, but in England (as formerly …

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morphine ENGLISH

A bitter white crystalline alkaloid found in opium, possessing strong narcotic properties, and much used as an anodyne; -- called …

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opiate ENGLISH

Inducing sleep; somniferous; narcotic; hence, anodyne; causing rest, dullness, or inaction; as, the opiate rod of Hermes.

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paregoric ENGLISH

A medicine that mitigates pain; an anodyne; specifically, camphorated tincture of opium; -- called also paregoric elexir.

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