"Annoyed" is a word in ENGLISH

annoyed ENGLISH

of Annoy

Few words of positivity

A visitor asked Lincoln what good news he could take home from an audience with the august executive. The president spun a story about a machine that baffled a chess champion by beating him thrice. The stunned champ cried while inspecting the machine, "There's a man in there!"Lincoln's good news, he confided from the heights of leadership, was that there was in fact a man in there.

Shelby Foote, The Civil War, Vol. 1: Fort Sumter to Perryville

Laugh your heart out.

Young Vestal was walking in his Florida backyard when an alligator bit him. "Mama!" yelled the boy. "A gator jus' bit off mah foot!" "Which one?" called his mother from inside the cabin. "How the hell should Ah know?!" he shrieked. "They all look alike to me!"


ada {1} particle showing that s.t. is not important. Ada, irù ra gud tu. Kahadluk na man nímu! Heck, that …

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Ad Nocumentum LAW AND LEGAL

To the nuisance, or annoyance. Fleta, lib. 2, c. 52, 8 19. Ad nocumentum liberi tenementi sui, to the nuisance …

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alingagngag CEBUANO

alingagngag n upper part of throat and back part of oral cavity, including the soft palate. -an() n the general …

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alingugngug CEBUANO

alingugngug a noisy in a constant drumming way. Alingugngug kaáyu ang tíngug sa tambul, The drum made an annoying sound. …

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aliwarus CEBUANO

aliwárus a nuisance, annoyance caused by noise and motion. Ang daghang pidikab mauy nakaaliwárus (nakapaaliwárus) sa karsáda, The large number …

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ánghit - Goat’s smell; to smell like a goat or buck. Ginabahoán kamí dirí sang ánghit. We are annoyed here …

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A feeling of discomfort or vexation caused by what one dislikes; also, whatever causes such a feeling; as, to work …

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To disturb or irritate, especially by continued or repeated acts; to tease; to ruffle in mind; to vex; as, I …

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To molest, incommode, or harm; as, to annoy an army by impeding its march, or by a cannonade.

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annoyance ENGLISH

The act of annoying, or the state of being annoyed; molestation; vexation; annoy.

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annoyance ENGLISH

That which annoys.

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annoyer ENGLISH

One who, or that which, annoys.

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annoying ENGLISH

That annoys; molesting; vexatious.

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annoyous ENGLISH

Troublesome; annoying.

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Annoyance; nuisance. Cowell; Kelham

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átay n illness of chicken. v [a12] {1} be a? ected with chicken cholera. Walà ba atáya ang inyung manuk? …

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badger ENGLISH

To tease or annoy, as a badger when baited; to worry or irritate persistently.

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bahô - A stench, stink, an obnoxious or offensive smell; stinking: to stink, emit an offensive smell. Anáno nga banhô …

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