"Annihilated" is a word in ENGLISH

annihilated ENGLISH

of Annihilate

Few words of positivity

Philosophically, I am a logical empiricist and materialist, and I am a veteran of over 400 radio and TV interviews and debates. I am a Christ-myth advocate and am pursuing research into how Christianity could have begun without a historical Jesus of Nazareth. I am married with one daughter and three grandchildren.

Frank R. Zindler

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Agnes !Agnes who ?Agnes & Topeka & the Santa Fe !

anientise ENGLISH

To frustrate; to bring to naught; to annihilate.

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annihilable ENGLISH

Capable of being annihilated.

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annihilate ENGLISH

To destroy or eradicate, as a property or attribute of a thing; to make of no effect; to destroy the …

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annihilate ENGLISH

To destroy the form or peculiar distinctive properties of, so that the specific thing no longer exists; as, to annihilate …

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annihilate ENGLISH

To reduce to nothing or nonexistence; to destroy the existence of; to cause to cease to be.

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annihilation ENGLISH

The state of being annihilated.

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annihilation ENGLISH

The act of reducing to nothing, or nonexistence; or the act of destroying the form or combination of parts under …

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One who believes that eternal punishment consists in annihilation or extinction of being; a destructionist.

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annihilative ENGLISH

Serving to annihilate; destructive.

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annihilator ENGLISH

One who, or that which, annihilates; as, a fire annihilator.

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To exist in a certain manner or relation, -- whether as a reality or as a product of thought; to …

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destroy ENGLISH

To ruin; to bring to naught; to put an end to; to annihilate; to consume.

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One who believes in the final destruction or complete annihilation of the wicked; -- called also annihilationist.

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devour ENGLISH

To seize upon and destroy or appropriate greedily, selfishly, or wantonly; to consume; to swallow up; to use up; to …

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expunge ENGLISH

To strike out; to wipe out or destroy; to annihilate; as, to expugne an offense.

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exterminate ENGLISH

To destroy utterly; to cut off; to extirpate; to annihilate; to root out; as, to exterminate a colony, a tribe, …

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The annihilation or extinction of a right or obligation.

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