"Anarchize" is a word in ENGLISH

anarchize ENGLISH

To reduce to anarchy.

Few words of positivity

Take any two-year-old through a car wash and their skulls are blown. FLAPS! FOAM! ROLLING THINGS! It's the closest they'll ever get to being inside a working spaceship.

Drew Magary, Someone Could Get Hurt: A Memoir of Twenty-First-Century Parenthood

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Allegra !Allegra who ?Allegra is broken !


To cast down or reduce low or lower, as in rank, office, condition in life, or estimation of worthiness; to …

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To reduce in estimation; to deprive.

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To diminish; to reduce. Legacies are liable to be abated entirely or in proportion, upon a deficiency of assets.

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To bring down or reduce from a higher to a lower state, number, or degree; to lessen; to diminish; to …

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abbreviate ENGLISH

To make briefer; to shorten; to abridge; to reduce by contraction or omission, especially of words written or spoken.

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abbreviate ENGLISH

To reduce to lower terms, as a fraction.

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abbreviation ENGLISH

The act of shortening, or reducing.

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abbreviation ENGLISH

The form to which a word or phrase is reduced by contraction and omission; a letter or letters, standing for …

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To reduce or contract; usually spoken of written language

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Abridgment Of Damages LAW AND LEGAL

The right of the court to reduce the damages in certain cases. Vide Brooke, tit. "Abridgment.

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absorbent ENGLISH

Any substance which absorbs and neutralizes acid fluid in the stomach and bowels, as magnesia, chalk, etc.; also a substance …

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adjust ENGLISH

To put in order; to regulate, or reduce to system.

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admortization ENGLISH

The reducing or lands or tenements to mortmain. See Mortmain.

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Adnihilare LAW AND LEGAL

In old English law. To annul;, to make void; to reduce to noth* ing; to treat as nothiug; to hold …

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affeer ENGLISH

To assess or reduce, as an arbitrary penalty or amercement, to a certain and reasonable sum.

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The act of reducing a substance to a fine or impalpable powder.

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alcoholize ENGLISH

To reduce to a fine powder.

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algebraize ENGLISH

To perform by algebra; to reduce to algebraic form.

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To reduce the purity of by mixing with a less valuable substance; as, to alloy gold with silver or copper, …

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amin v {3} [A; a12] admit a wrong or mistake one has done and be held responsible. Kun aminun nímung …

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