"Anaphroditic" is a word in ENGLISH

anaphroditic ENGLISH

Produced without concourse of sexes.

Few words of positivity

I've put out a lot of little roots these two years," Anne told the moon, "and when I'm pulled up they're going to hurt a great deal. But it's best to go, I think, and, as Marilla says, there's no good reason why I shouldn't. I must get out all my ambitions and dust them.

L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea

Laugh your heart out.

A cargo plane is in mid-flight over the ocean when suddenly the cockpit door bursts open to reveal an armed, masked hijacker to a startled pilot, copilot, navigator, and a passenger. The passenger happens to be George W Bush. (Why?} Maybe, he was on his way to check on the coca plant life in South America!") The masked gunman held a gun to the pilot's head and said, "Take this plane to Iraq or I'm gonna spill your brains all over the place." The pilot calmly reached up, pushed the gun aside and said, "Look buddy, if you shoot me this plane will crash right into the sea and you'll die along with the rest of us." The hijacker thought about it, then held the gun to the copilot's head and said, "Take this plane to Iraq or I'm gonna spill HIS brains all over the place." The copilot also calmly reached up, pushed the gun aside and said, "Listen to me. The pilot's got a bad heart and he could keel over at the shock of my being killed. So if you shoot me, this plane will still crash right into the sea and you'll die along with the rest of us." The hijacker thought about it for a moment and then held the gun to the navigator's head and repeated, "Take this plane to Iraq or I'm gonna spill HIS brains all over the place." The navigator calmly reached up, pushed the gun aside and said, "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Those other two guys have no sense of direction. Without me they couldn't find their way out of a paper bag much less get this plane to Iraq. So if you shoot me, this plane will still crash right into the sea and you'll die along with the rest of us." The hijacker thought some more, shrugged and this time held the gun to the passenger's head and demanded, "Take this plane to Iraq or I'm gonna spill HIS brains all over the place." No one said a word, at first, then the pilot, co-pilot, and navigator all brust into laughter. "He's George W Bush!" they laughed. "He doesn't have any brains!"

agamic ENGLISH

Produced without sexual union; as, agamic or unfertilized eggs.

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agamogenetic ENGLISH

Reproducing or produced without sexual union.

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anarchical ENGLISH

Pertaining to anarchy; without rule or government; in political confusion; tending to produce anarchy; as, anarchic despotism; anarchical opinions.

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bandì n large, closely woven bamboo hamper with or without a cover for clothes or farm produce. v [a12] make …

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butang CEBUANO

butang v [A; c] {1} put down, in, on. Ikaw bay mubutang sa ákung lip-istik? Will you put my lipstick …

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That which produces or effects a result; that from which anything proceeds, and without which it would not exist.

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cocoa palm ENGLISH

A palm tree producing the cocoanut (Cocos nucifera). It grows in nearly all tropical countries, attaining a height of sixty …

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concussion ENGLISH

A condition of lowered functional activity, without visible structural change, produced in an organ by a shock, as by fall …

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damask ENGLISH

Linen so woven that a pattern in produced by the different directions of the thread, without contrast of color.

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excito-motory ENGLISH

Exciting motion; -- said of that portion of the nervous system concerned in reflex actions, by which impressions are transmitted …

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galvanography ENGLISH

A method of producing by means of electrotyping process (without etching) copperplates which can be printed from in the same …

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grange ENGLISH

An association of farmers, designed to further their interests, aud particularly to bring producers and consumers, farmers and manufacturers, into …

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erangement Is accompanied with more or less of excitement. Sometimes the excitement amounts to a fury. The individual ln such …

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immediate ENGLISH

Acting with nothing interposed or between, or without the intervention of another object as a cause, means, or agency; acting, …

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improvise ENGLISH

To produce or render extemporaneous compositions, especially in verse or in music, without previous preparation; hence, to do anything offhand.

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induce ENGLISH

To produce, or cause, by proximity without contact or transmission, as a particular electric or magnetic condition in a body, …

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ineffectual ENGLISH

Not producing the proper effect; without effect; inefficient; weak; useless; futile; unavailing; as, an ineffectual attempt; an ineffectual expedient.

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instinctive ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to instinct; derived from, or prompted by, instinct; of the nature of instinct; determined by natural impulse …

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kalaánan - (H) A field planted one year which without additional planting yields its produce the following year also, (especially …

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kúhà get and bring, get and take away. v {1} [A3S; ab7] get. Magkúhà kug túbig pára nímu, Ill get …

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