"Analects" is a word in ENGLISH

analects ENGLISH

Alt. of Analecta

Few words of positivity

When Socrates said he knew nothing he still thought he knew more than anyone else.

Marty Rubin

Laugh your heart out.

What did the dog use to make his kite?Flypaper.

strophiolate ENGLISH

Alt. of Strophiolated

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An unregenerate state.

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preventable ENGLISH

Capable of being prevented or hindered; as, preventable diseases.

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bansay CEBUANO

bansay a skillful, proficient. Bansay kaáyu siyang mudúlag ahidris, He plays chess expertly. v {1} [AP; a] train s. o. …

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A hood or other device placed over a chimney or vent pipe, to prevent a back draught.

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repack ENGLISH

To pack a second time or anew; as, to repack beef; to repack a trunk.

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munisipyu CEBUANO

munisipyu n {1} municipal building in a town. {2} town not as big as a city. v [B126; a12] be, …

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telluret ENGLISH

the distance of haul, as from a cutting to an embankment.

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inwrought ENGLISH

Wrought or worked in or among other things; worked into any fabric so as to from a part of its …

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erasure ENGLISH

The act of erasing; a scratching out; obliteration.

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pissasphalt ENGLISH

Earth pitch; a soft, black bitumen of the consistence of tar, and of a strong smell. It is inflammable, and …

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A military station where stores and provisions are kept, or where recruits are assembled and drilled.

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ecbolic ENGLISH

A drug, as ergot, which by exciting uterine contractions promotes the expulsion of the contents of the uterus.

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compassed ENGLISH

Rounded; arched.

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To apply the mind to books or learning.

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confineless ENGLISH

Without limitation or end; boundless.

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circle ENGLISH

To encompass, as by a circle; to surround; to inclose; to encircle.

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dinothere ENGLISH

Alt. of Dinotherium

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