"Anadem" is a word in ENGLISH

anadem ENGLISH

A garland or fillet; a chaplet or wreath.

Few words of positivity

I do not understand why I was held back from Sedona for so many years. My spirit was broken down, and I lost everything, friends, pets, pieces of myself were lying everywhere. I felt like a massive failure from Boston, then a failure because I could not manifest Sedona. It almost seems like I had to give up, and let go of the iron grip I had on Sedona, in order to finally understand it better. Focusing on other dreams and paths, let me lighten up further, until it came unexpectedly at the door and knocked. "Remember Me? I am the dream you buried, and thought you would never get, but it feels right now, and you should just go for it".

Jennifer Underwood, The Road to Sedona-All Paths Lead to You: How One Woman's Past Life Can Shape the Future

Laugh your heart out.

Is it proper to eat a hamburger with your fingers?No, you should eat your fingers separately!

alestake ENGLISH

A stake or pole projecting from, or set up before, an alehouse, as a sign; an alepole. At the end …

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anthology ENGLISH

A collection of flowers; a garland.

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That extinction of civil rights and capacities which takes place when-ever a person who has committed treason or felony receives …

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balangat ILOKANO

n. crown, diadem; wreath, garland.

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The laurel tree (Laurus nobilis). Hence, in the plural, an honorary garland or crown bestowed as a prize for victory …

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bugway CEBUANO

bugway n {1} spike of flowers or fruit that branches out. {2} s.t. plaited together in a string or garland …

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ceremony ENGLISH

A ceremonial symbols; an emblem, as a crown, scepter, garland, etc.

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chaplet ENGLISH

A garland or wreath to be worn on the head.

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corollary ENGLISH

That which is given beyond what is actually due, as a garland of flowers in addition to wages; surplus; something …

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corona ENGLISH

A crown or garland bestowed among the Romans as a reward for distinguished services.

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coronal ENGLISH

A crown; wreath; garland.

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coronal ENGLISH

The frontal bone, over which the ancients wore their coronae or garlands.

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coronary ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a crown; forming, or adapted to form, a crown or garland.

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crants ENGLISH

A garland carried before the bier of a maiden.

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A wreath or garland, or any ornamental fillet encircling the head, especially as a reward of victory or mark of …

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crowned ENGLISH

Having or wearing a crown; surmounted, invested, or adorned, with a crown, wreath, garland, etc.; honored; rewarded; completed; consummated; perfected.

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disgarland ENGLISH

To strip of a garland.

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engarland ENGLISH

To encircle with a garland, or with garlands.

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festoon ENGLISH

A garland or wreath hanging in a depending curve, used in decoration for festivals, etc.; anything arranged in this way.

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Dressed with garlands of flowers.

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