"Amumun" is a word in CEBUANO

amumun CEBUANO

amumun lumban sa dágat n sundials, k.
sea shell.

Few words of positivity

I don't need to be tame, because dragons choose their partner by themselves.

Olivia Sinaga

Laugh your heart out.

Little Johnny and his mother were on a train. Johnny leant over and started to whisper in his mother's ear.'Johnny, how many times have I told you,' said his mother, ' it's rude to whisper. If you have something to say, say it out loud.''OK, said Johnny, 'why does the lady over there look like an ugly, haggard old witch ?'

Administratrix LAW AND LEGAL

A female who administers, or to whom letters of admlnlstra-tlon have been granted

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Testatum Writ LAW AND LEGAL

In practice. A writ containing a testatum clause; such as a testatum capias, a testatum fl. fa., and a testatum …

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kumadre TAGALOG

kumadre Definition: (noun) lady sponsor in a baptism, confirmation or wedding 2 Definition: (var) kumare Notes: Spanish Examples:

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penitentiary ENGLISH

One who does penance.

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gúlò, gúlob, gulób, gulót - (H) See gólò, gólob, golób, golót.

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panámbì - To shelve; to dismiss, reject, despise. See the foregoing.

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polymorphosis ENGLISH

The assumption of several structural forms without a corresponding difference in function; -- said of sponges, etc.

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exfoliate ENGLISH

To separate and come off in scales or laminae, as pieces of carious bone or of bark.

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The jaws; also, the fleshy parts about the mouth.

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smickering ENGLISH

Amorous glance or inclination.

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ya espanta CHAVACANO

English: to shock; shocked Tagalog: gumimbal

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pronged ENGLISH

Having prongs or projections like the tines of a fork; as, a three-pronged fork.

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congenerous ENGLISH

Allied in origin or cause; congeneric; as, congenerous diseases.

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An authority for certain proceedings given by the Lord Chancellor's signature.

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Pertaining to Troy; Trojan.

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nondeposition ENGLISH

A failure to deposit or throw down.

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tensity ENGLISH

The quality or state of being tense, or strained to stiffness; tension; tenseness.

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aspirína - (Sp. aspirína) Aspirin.

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