"Amnestic" is a word in ENGLISH

amnestic ENGLISH

Causing loss of memory.

Few words of positivity

It is the most sweet and comfortable knowledge; to be studying Jesus Christ, what is it but to be digging among all the veins and springs of comfort? And the deeper you dig, the more do these springs flow upon you. How are hearts ravished with the discoveries of Christ in the gospel? what ecstasies, meltings, transports, do gracious souls meet there? Doubtless, Philip’s ecstasy, John 1: 25. 'eurekamen Iesoun,' 'We have found Jesus,' was far beyond that of Archimedes. A believer could sit from morning to night, to hear discourses of Christ; 'His mouth is most sweet', Cant. [i.e., Song of Solomon] 5: 16.

John Flavel, The Fountain Of Life Opened Up

Laugh your heart out.

Patient (to cosmetic surgeon): Will it hurt me, doctor?Surgeon: Only when you get my bill, Mrs Brown.

affliction ENGLISH

The cause of continued pain of body or mind, as sickness, losses, etc.; an instance of grievous distress; a pain …

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águm v [B1256; b4(1)] {1} undergo a bitter or painful experi-ence. Naágum sa dakung kapildíhan ang lungsud adtung bagyúha, The …

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aligotó - (H) Regret, grief or pain caused by the want or loss of something; to miss, regret, feel the …

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alkansi CEBUANO

alkansi a losing, without gain or advantage. Alkansi kaáyu kug singkwintay ibáyad mu, I lose a lot if you pay …

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apoplexy ENGLISH

Sudden diminution or loss of consciousness, sensation, and voluntary motion, usually caused by pressure on the brain.

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atrasu CEBUANO

atrásu v [AP; a12P] {1} = atrasar. {2} cause s.t. to become delayed or get behindhand in fulfilling an obligation. …

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bun-ug CEBUANO

bun-ug n {1} bruise. {2} expenses, loss of money (slang). Pilay bun-ug nímu sa bangka gabíi? How much did you …

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butcher ENGLISH

A slaughterer; one who kills in large numbers, or with unusual cruelty; one who causes needless loss of life, as …

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casualty ENGLISH

Numerical loss caused by death, wounds, discharge, or desertion.

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Inevitable accldent; an event not to be foreseen or guarded against A loss from such an event or cause; as …

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Compensation LAW AND LEGAL

Indemnification; pay-ment of damages; making amends; that which ls necessary to restore an injured par-ty to his former position. An …

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To require to be given, expended, or laid out therefor, as in barter, purchase, acquisition, etc.; to cause the cost, …

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Loss, injury, or deteriora-tion, caused by the negligence, design, or ac-cident of one person to another, ln respect of the …

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In old English law. Causing damage or loss, as distinguished from torcenouse, wrongful Britt, c. 61

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damnific ENGLISH

Procuring or causing loss; mischievous; injurious.

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damnification ENGLISH

That which causes damage or loss.

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Damnification LAW AND LEGAL

That which causes damage or loss

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damnify ENGLISH

To cause loss or damage to; to injure; to impair.

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To cause damage or Inju-rlous loss to a persou or put him in a posi-tion where he must sustain lt. …

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Damnum Absque Injuria LAW AND LEGAL

Loss, hurt, or harm without injury in the legal sense, that is, withont such an invasion of rights as is …

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