"Ami" is a word in HILIGAYNON


ami - Second harvest, secondary harvest,
harvest after the main or principal harvest.
The "ami” usually falls between the months
of December and March, seldom later, the
main crop within the months of April and
December. Also: To plant a second crop,
etc. May amí kamó?—Hóo, ang naányan
námon ginamihán námon. Have you got a
second crop?—Yes, where we harvested our
rice there we planted a second crop (of

corn, beans, etc.). Iamí ko iníng maís. I am
going to plant this corn as a second crop.
Mangamí kamó?—Hóo, kon magulán
mangamí kamí. Will you plant a second
crop?—Yes, if it rains, we will.

Few words of positivity

I'm just a girl, with a pen and a dream

Nikki Rowe

Laugh your heart out.

One of my husband's duties as a novice drill instructor at Fort Jackson, S.C., was to escort new recruits to the mess hall. After everyone had made it through the chow line, he sat them down and told them, "There are three rules in this mess hall: Shut up! Eat up! Get up!"Checking to see that he had everyone's attention, he asked, "What is the first rule?" Much to the amusement of the other instructors, 60 privates yelled in unison, "Shut up, Drill Sergeant!"

aftercrop ENGLISH

A second crop or harvest in the same year.

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adj. /MA-/ to be long in duration. Mabayag kaminto nga agsarita inton malem. We will talk for a long time …

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butang CEBUANO

butang v [A; c] {1} put down, in, on. Ikaw bay mubutang sa ákung lip-istik? Will you put my lipstick …

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kutsitsa CEBUANO

kutsitsa n {1} crop, harvest. Ikaduha kining kutsitsa námù karung tuíga, This is our second harvest this year. {2} amount …

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pentecost ENGLISH

A solemn festival of the Jews; -- so called because celebrated on the fiftieth day (seven weeks) after the second …

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