"Amerced" is a word in ENGLISH

amerced ENGLISH

of Amerce

Few words of positivity

Leadership is a privilege to serve and make a difference. Take care of what belongs to another as if it were your own. Be accountable to others or to another because you realize you are not a master. Be considerate of those you serve because they, not you, perceive the difference you are or you are not making, in their lives.

Archibald Marwizi, Making Success Deliberate

Laugh your heart out.

After wedding a young couple rented a town house in a large complex. Concerned about a leak in an upstairs bathroom, young woman called the manager several times, but nothing happened. Finally her husband reached the manager and, noting the seriousness of the problem, said, " My wife is afraid the bathtub will fall through the kitchen." "Oh, no," the manager quickly replied. "The bathtub falls through the living room."

affeer ENGLISH

To assess or reduce, as an arbitrary penalty or amercement, to a certain and reasonable sum.

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Persons who, in court-leets, upon oath, settle and moderate tbe fines and amercements imposed on those who have committed offenses …

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amerce ENGLISH

To punish, in general; to mulct.

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amerce ENGLISH

To punish by a pecuniary penalty, the amount of which is not fixed by law, but left to the discretion …

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To impose an amercement or fine; to punish by a fine or penalty

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amerceable ENGLISH

Liable to be amerced.

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amercement ENGLISH

The infliction of a penalty at the discretion of the court; also, a mulct or penalty thus imposed. It differs …

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Amercement LAW AND LEGAL

A pecuniary penalty, in the nature of a fine, imposed upon a person for some fault or misconduct, he being …

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amercer ENGLISH

One who amerces.

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amerciament ENGLISH

Same as Amercement.

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bloodwit ENGLISH

A fine or amercement paid as a composition for the shedding of blood; also, a riot wherein blood was spilled.

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An amercement for blood-shed. Cowell

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In Saxon and old English law. A fine, penalty, or amercement im-posed for defaults in the assise of bread. Cowell

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An amercement or fine; a mulct

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condemn ENGLISH

To amerce or fine; -- with in before the penalty.

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writ for taking a moderate amercement A writ, founded on Magna Charta, (c. 14,) which lay for one who was …

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distrain ENGLISH

To seize, as a pledge or indemnification; to take possession of as security for nonpayment of rent, the reparation of …

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Engleshire LAW AND LEGAL

A law was made by Canute, for the preservation of his Danes, that, when a man was killed, the hundred …

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estreat ENGLISH

A true copy, duplicate, or extract of an original writing or record, esp. of amercements or penalties set down in …

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