"Amaurotic" is a word in ENGLISH

amaurotic ENGLISH

Affected with amaurosis; having the characteristics of

Few words of positivity

There was no arguing with a man's faith in the legends of his childhood.

Steven Saylor, Rogues

Laugh your heart out.

What is the strongest animal?A racehorse, because it can take hundreds of people for a ride at once!

retire ENGLISH

To withdraw from circulation, or from the market; to take up and pay; as, to retire bonds; to retire a …

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starchwort ENGLISH

The cuckoopint, the tubers of which yield a fine quality of starch.

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unanut CEBUANO

unanut v [A3P] do s.t. with di? culty or with great e? ort. Nag-unanut ku sa ákung mga sabdyiks rung …

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proximal ENGLISH

Toward or nearest, as to a body, or center of motion of dependence; proximate.

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swagger ENGLISH

To walk with a swaying motion; hence, to walk and act in a pompous, consequential manner.

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Hence: Measured and regular advance or movement, like that of soldiers moving in order; stately or deliberate walk; steady onward …

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thriven ENGLISH

p. p. of Thrive.

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emburse ENGLISH

To furnish with money; to imburse.

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curiosity ENGLISH

The state or quality or being curious; nicety; accuracy; exactness; elaboration.

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repute ENGLISH

Character reputed or attributed; reputation, whether good or bad; established opinion; public estimate.

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defensive ENGLISH

In a state or posture of defense.

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Perticulas LAW AND LEGAL

A pittance; a small portion of alms or victuals. Also certain poor scholars of the Isle of Man. Cowell

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agglutination ENGLISH

Combination in which root words are united with little or no change of form or loss of meaning. See Agglutinative, …

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ing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Wit

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acaleph ENGLISH

Alt. of Acalephan

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sampáton - Accomplished, expert, perfect, well equipped, well instructed, able, all-round. Pamatán-on nga sampáton. An accomplished youth. (cf. maálam, hímpit, …

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batikolon HILIGAYNON

batikólon - The gizzard, maw, chief stomach of a bird. (cf. kolokotón, korokotón id.; bútse, balonbalonán—the craw, crop).

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noctiluca ENGLISH

A genus of marine flagellate Infusoria, remarkable for their unusually large size and complex structure, as well as for their …

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