"Allon" is a word in ILOKANO


n. wave, ripple.

Few words of positivity

Behind us, the man laughed. "Looks like we aren't the only ones looking for a little diversion. There's an empty office right over there, guys." Marsten raised his hand in thanks. The couple moved on. I let the kiss continue for five more seconds, then pulled away. "They're gone," I said. Marsten frowned, as if surprised-and disappointed-that I'd noticed. I tugged my hair from his hands. "Okay, coast clear," I said. "Let's go." He let out a small laugh. "I see I need to brush up on my kissing." "No, you have that down pat." "She says with all the excitement of a teacher grading a math quiz..." "A-plus. Now let's move. Before someone else comes along.

Kelley Armstrong, Chaotic

Laugh your heart out.

How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges?

alintabu CEBUANO

alintabu v [B; c1] turn over, producing a loud turmoil. Nagkaal-intabu ang mga balud, The waves churned more and more …

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alis get out, scram (colloquial). Alis dihà bi. Akuy naglingkud dihà, Get out of my chair. ális n wake of …

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álun n long rolling wave, swell. v [B46; a4] for there to be big waves. Miálun sa dágat paghuyup sa …

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balansi CEBUANO

balansi (not without l) n {1} accounting. {2} balance. Nawad-an siyag balansi, He lost his balance. v {1} [A; a2] …

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balud n waves. a curved, curled in a single upward curve. Balud siyag piluk, She has curly eyelashes. v {1} …

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bughà v {1} [A; a] split, chop wood lengthwise. Mubughà kug káhuyng igsusugnud, Ill split some wood for firewood. {2} …

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bukway CEBUANO

bukway v [B; c1] {1} for long, thin things to stretch out: ten-drils, flowers, sunrays, etc. Nagbukway na ang mga …

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daganas CEBUANO

dagánas n prolonged sound of water or wind. Dagánas sa busay, The sound of the waterfall. v [B2S4] make such …

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dalluyon ILOKANO

n. a wave breaking into foam; a breaker.

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dúyan n hammock. Ayaw kug ihása. Úna ku nímu sa dúyan, Dont try to fool me. I was not born …

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The sea; a wave. See Flote, n.

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gunting CEBUANO

gunting n {1} scissors. {2} scissors in game of pik (hammer, scissors, paper). v [A; a] cut with scissors. Guntínga …

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habhab CEBUANO

habhab v {1} [A; a] for pigs to eat. {1a} for people to eat (derogatory). Gihabhab sa mga bilat sa …

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hadiyung CEBUANO

hadiyung n whizzing, whistling, buzzing sound. v [A; b2cP] whistle or whiz by. Hángin nga naghadiyung, Whistling wind. Naghadiyung ang …

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haganas CEBUANO

hagánas v [A2S] for water to make a rushing sound. Naghaganas ang busay, The waterfall makes a rushing sound. n …

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hílig v {1} [B; a] be leaning, tilted to one side. Mihílig ang sakayan nga gihapak sa balud, The boat …

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hugalbung CEBUANO

hugalbung n heavy pounding or thumping sound. Ang hugal-bung sa bawud, The pounding sound of the waves. v [A] make …

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igwad a having protruding buttocks. Igwad siyag lubut, She has a big ass. v [BN] have prominent buttocks, stick out …

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ísug a {1} brave, full of guts. Ísug kaáyu si Dyú kay dì mahadluk muatubang ug mikrupunu, Joe is full …

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kalids CEBUANO

kálids swing n college swing, a k. o. old-fashioned permanent wave where the hair is cut up to the nape …

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