"Alitaptap" is a word in TAGALOG

alitaptap TAGALOG

Definition: (noun) firefly

Few words of positivity

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Lord Acton

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What do you call a truckload of vibrators?A: Toys for Twats.

endothelial ENGLISH

Of, or relating to, endothelium.

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shilly-shally ENGLISH

Irresolution; hesitation; also, occupation with trifles.

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straightly ENGLISH

In a right line; not crookedly.

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consensus ENGLISH

Agreement; accord; consent.

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procellarian ENGLISH

One of a family of oceanic birds (Procellaridae) including the petrels, fulmars, and shearwaters. They are often seen in great …

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disjointed ENGLISH

Separated at the joints; disconnected; incoherent.

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plasmodial ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to, or like, a plasmodium; as, the plasmodial form of a life cycle.

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In Saxon law. one of the territorial divisions of England, being the third part of so county, and comprising three …

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gleucometer ENGLISH

An instrument for measuring the specific gravity and ascertaining the quantity of sugar contained in must.

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sentimyento HILIGAYNON

sentimyénto - (Sp. sentimiento) Sentiment, feeling; resentment. (cf. balatyágon; aligótgot, kaákig). sentinéla, (Sp. centinela) Sentinel, sentry, watch, guard. (cf. manugbántay, …

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cannibal ENGLISH

A human being that eats human flesh; hence, any that devours its own kind.

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áhog - To wash, rinse, pour water over something or somebody, and the like. Ahógi akó sing túbig. Pour water …

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ngiyaw TAGALOG

ngiyaw Definition: (noun) cry of cat or kitten

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mantelet ENGLISH

A musket-proof shield of rope, wood, or metal, which is sometimes used for the protection of sappers or riflemen while …

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