"Alisbong" is a word in HILIGAYNON


alísbong - Odour, smell, scent, perfume,
emanation, vapour emanating from the
ground, flowers, etc.; to smell, give off a
smell, to exhale, be odoriferous. Anáno nga
alísbong ang ginabátyag ko dirí? What
kind of smell do I notice here? Anó ang
nagapangalísbong? What is smelling?
Abáw, nagapangalísbong ka ba! Ah, how
strong you smell of scent! (cf. ósbong,
súbung, sungáw).

Few words of positivity

God used beautiful mathematics in creating the world.

Paul Dirac

Laugh your heart out.

Democrat men like to watch football while the women fix holiday meals. On this, Republicans are in full agreement.

pangalisbong HILIGAYNON

pangalísbong - Freq. of alísbong— odour, smell, etc.; to emit or exhale an odour, smells, scents, odoriferous vapours, etc. Nagapangalísbong …

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