"Alegriya" is a word in CHAVACANO

alegriya CHAVACANO

English: jolly
Tagalog: masayahin

Few words of positivity

A true Christian only falls upward and not backward

John M Sheehan

Laugh your heart out.

OUESTION: What is cosmetics? ANSWER: Cosmetics is a woman's means for keeping a man from reading between the lines.


yunâ - To be or become unsavoury, tasteless, insipid, flat, said of overdone tubers, meat, fish, etc. Ang kárne nagyunâ, …

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uláynon - Virginal, pure, undefiled. (cf. úlay).

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revestry ENGLISH

Same as Revestiary.

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wonder ENGLISH

To be affected with surprise or admiration; to be struck with astonishment; to be amazed; to marvel.

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puspuru CEBUANO

puspuru n box of matches. v [A; b6(1)] use, make matches. bilug, bílug, gúngì, palítu sa n matchstick.

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ugdaw v [A3P; a12] burn down completely to ashes with no flames left. Naugdaw na ang ámung báy pag-ulì nákù, …

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kompadre TAGALOG

kompadre Definition: (noun) male sponsor in baptism, confirmation or matrimony of one's child 2 Definition: (var) kumpadre Notes: Spanish

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peste Definition: (noun) pest; plague; epidemic Notes: Spanish

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mesmerize ENGLISH

To bring into a state of mesmeric sleep.

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lithophyse ENGLISH

A spherulitic cavity often with concentric chambers, observed in some volcanic rocks, as in rhyolitic lavas. It is supposed to …

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bookmaker ENGLISH

A betting man who \"makes a book.\" See To make a book, under Book, n.

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flitty ENGLISH

Unstable; fluttering.

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pectinated ENGLISH

Interlaced, like two combs.

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Sceppa Salis LAW AND LEGAL

An ancient measure of salt, the quantity of which is now not known, wharton

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parole ENGLISH

To set at liberty on parole; as, to parole prisoners.

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girdle ENGLISH

To inclose; to environ; to shut in.

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freedom ENGLISH

Exemption from necessity, in choise and action; as, the freedom of the will.

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outdazzle ENGLISH

To surpass in dazzing.

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