"Akyut" is a word in CEBUANO


akyut a acute, critical sickness.
v [B] for a sickness to become acute.
Naakyut ang íyang apindisaytis, His appendicitis has gotten acute.

Few words of positivity

Sometimes our work as caregivers is not for the faint of heart. But, you will never know what you are made of until you step into the fire. Step bravely!

Deborah A. Beasley, Successful Foster Care Adoption

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Why do dogs bury bones in the ground? - A: Because you can't bury them in the sky!

floccillation ENGLISH

A delirious picking of bedclothes by a sick person, as if to pick off flocks of wool; carphology; -- an …

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