"Ahig-Ahig" is a word in HILIGAYNON

ahig-ahig HILIGAYNON

ahíg-ahíg - To treat with neglect, to
disregard, pay no attention to, to ignore,
take no heed or account of, to put aside
contemptuously. Ginaahíg-ahíg níla ang
mga manák. They are neglecting their
stepchildren. Ahíg-ahigá lang inâ. Simply
ignore it or treat it with contempt or pass it
over without notice. (cf. ihíg-ihíg id.; ihíd,
pabayâ, pabíyà; támay).

Few words of positivity

I wrapped up my food to take home. "Let's go. We need to discuss your favorite method of dying, because I'm going to kill you. Just so you know."Claire grinned. "You're welcome."~Gray

Patricia B. Tighe, Life In The No Dating Zone

Laugh your heart out.

Teacher: Why are you late, Joseph?Joseph: Because of a sign down the road.Teacher: What does a sign have to do with your being late?Joseph: The sign said, "School Ahead, Go Slow!"


báli a {1} be worth it (not used negatively). Písus ang palit nímu sa isdà? Báli sad, You paid a …

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hámak - To slight, think little of, treat with disrespect, ignore, disregard, despise, not to heed, pay no attention to, …

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ignuranti CEBUANO

ignuranti a {1} ignorant, uneducated. Ignuranti siya. Way ka-bangkaágan, She is completely uneducated. She has no educa-tion. {2} ignorant of, …

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Maltreatment LAW AND LEGAL

In reference to the treatment of hls patient by a surgeon, this term signifies improper or unskillful treat-ment; it mny …

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pabánok - To be quiet, calm, tranquil, imperturbable, placid, serene, make no resistance to scoldings or even beatings, to put …

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pakirasâ - (B) To neglect, ignore, bestow no care upon, treat without consideration, pay no attention to. Nagpakirasâ gid lang …

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tamay-tamay HILIGAYNON

tamáy-támay - Dim. and Freq. of támay. Ginatamáytámay gid lang siá níla. They— think very little of him,—treat him with …

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