"Aggrievance" is a word in ENGLISH

aggrievance ENGLISH

Oppression; hardship; injury; grievance.

Few words of positivity

You’re like a god from a Greek myth, Saiman. You have no empathy. You have no concept of the world beyond your ego. Wanting something gives you an automatic right to obtain it by whatever means necessary with no regard to the damage it may do. I would be careful if I were you. Friends and objects of deities’ desires dropped like flies. In the end the gods always ended up miserable and alone."— Kate Daniels

Ilona Andrews, Magic Strikes

Laugh your heart out.

Two police officers saw this old woman staggering down the street, stopping her they can tell she has had far too much to drink and instead of taking her to jail they decide to just drive her home. They loaded her into the police cruiser one of the officers gets in the back with the drunk woman. As they drove through the streets they kept asking the woman where she lived, all she would say as she stroked the officers arm is "Your Passionate" They drove awhile longer and asked again, again the same response as she stroked his arm "Your Passionate". The officers were getting a little upset so they stopped the car and said to the woman, Look we have driven around this City for two hours and you still haven't told us where you live. She replied I keep trying to tell you: "Your Passin It!"

oppression ENGLISH

That which oppresses; a hardship or injustice; cruelty; severity; tyranny.

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squeeze ENGLISH

Fig.: To oppress with hardships, burdens, or taxes; to harass; to crush.

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tyrant ENGLISH

Specifically, a monarch, or other ruler or master, who uses power to oppress his subjects; a person who exercises unlawful …

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