"Ag--Inn-Ak" is a word in ILOKANO

ag--inn-ak ILOKANO

1. to do the action denoted by the stem to each other. Nagpinnakawan da. They forgave each other. 2. to compete as to the quality expressed by the stem. Agpinnapintasan da. They will compete with each other in beauty. AGKA--AN, to cause or allow oneself to undergo or suffer the effect of the action denoted by the stem. Nagkatudoan diay mannalon. The farmer stood in the rain. AGKAI-, to suffer or show the state or condition expressed by the stem. Agkaiwara ti lupot idiay salas. Clothes are scattered all around in the living room. AGKARA-, to suffer or do repeatedly the action indicated by the stem. Agkarasakit diay kabayo mi. Our horse always gets sick. AGKARAI-, same as AGKARA-. Agkaraibelleng ti bagas. The rice is always spilling out. AGPA-, active causative: to cause the action indicated by the stem to be done (by someone). Agpaalaak iti asin. I will ask (someone) to get salt. AGPAKA-, to cause (someone) to suffer the effect of the action expressed by the stem. Usually used in negative constructions. Saan nga agpakaturog dagiti lamok no awan ti moskitero. The mosquitoes won’t allow (us) to sleep if (we) have no mosquito net. AGTAGI-, see under TAGI-. AG-, a plural noun prefix which has at least two meanings: 1. with a noun indicating a relation or similarity: to bear the relation or similarity indicated by the noun stem. Agkabsat diay asawa da. Their wives are sisters. 2. with a family name: to belong to the family or clan bearing that family name, or to have the same family name. Nabaknang dagiti ag-Lopez. The Lopezes are rich. AG- + R2, a noun prefix with the meaning: one who sells or deals in the thing indicated by the noun stem. Agnanateng diay manang na. Her older sister is a vegetable vendor. AG- [pt. NAG-, prp. AG- + R1, ptp. NAG- + R1], a prefix which forms adverbs of time with temporal nouns. Nagpatnag nga nagbasa diay baro. The young man studied the whole night. AGA- [agáʔ], a noun prefix which means: to smell like the thing named by the stem. Aga-bawang ta balasang. That young woman smells of garlic. AGA- [agaʔ], var. of PAGA-.

Few words of positivity

Once again, there was a terrorist attack inside my mouth.

Namekojirushi, I Saved Too Many Girls and Caused the Apocalypse: Volume 2

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What do you call it when a cat bites? - A: Catnip!


var. of KUSTO. I [a prolonged shrill sound], interj. an exclamation expressing surprise and wonder. I- [pt. IN-, prp. I- …

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pron. you (sg.): the enclitic nominative of SIKA. KA-, a ligature prefixed to mensural nouns preceded by a numeral. KA-, …

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v. /AG-/ to eat, feed on (something). /MANG-:-EN/ [= MANGKAAN or MANGAN: KANEN] to eat. --see PANGAN. KA--AN, a verbalizing …

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sanga Definition: (noun) stem; branch; twig

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A noun or verb, not modified by inflections; also, that part of a noun or verb which remains unchanged (except …

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Pertaining to, or designating, a noun in Anglo-Saxon, etc., the stem of which ends in -n. See Strong, 19 (b).

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