"Affiliated" is a word in ENGLISH

affiliated ENGLISH

of Affiliate

Few words of positivity

I earned my famous name.

Brian Wilson

Laugh your heart out.

What letters are not in the alphabet? The ones in the mail, of course!

adfiliated ENGLISH
adfiliation ENGLISH

See Affiliation.

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affiliable ENGLISH

Capable of being affiliated to or on, or connected with in origin.

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affiliate ENGLISH

To connect or associate one's self; -- followed by with; as, they affiliate with no party.

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affiliate ENGLISH

To attach (to) or unite (with); to receive into a society as a member, and initiate into its mysteries, plans, …

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affiliate ENGLISH

To fix the paternity of; -- said of an illegitimate child; as, to affiliate the child to (or on or …

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affiliate ENGLISH

To connect in the way of descent; to trace origin to.

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affiliate ENGLISH

To adopt; to receive into a family as a son; hence, to bring or receive into close connection; to ally.

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affiliation ENGLISH

Adoption; association or reception as a member in or of the same family or society.

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affiliation ENGLISH

The establishment or ascertaining of parentage; the assignment of a child, as a bastard, to its father; filiation.

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affiliation ENGLISH

Connection in the way of descent.

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Affiliation LAW AND LEGAL

The fixing any one with the paternity of a bastard child, and the obligation to maintain it

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balimbing TAGALOG

balimbing Active Verb: bumalimbing Definition: (noun) starfruit; a small tree whose edible fleshy fruit has five longitudinal, angular lobes (Tagalog …

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filiation ENGLISH

The assignment of a bastard child to some one as its father; affiliation.

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hellenist ENGLISH

One who affiliates with Greeks, or imitates Greek manners; esp., a person of Jewish extraction who used the Greek language …

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kinumparihay HILIGAYNON

kinumpariháy - Relationship through affinity or affiliation. (kumpári).

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sinákup - Subject, dependent, subordinate; member of, affiliated with. (cf. sákup, ginsakúpan).

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