"Aerophyte" is a word in ENGLISH

aerophyte ENGLISH

A plant growing entirely in the air, and receiving its
nourishment from it; an air plant or epiphyte.

Few words of positivity

My relationship to power and authority is that I'm all for it. People need somebody to watch over them. Ninety-five percent of the people in the world need to be told what to do and how to behave.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get if you cross an abbot with a trout ?Monkfish !

aerial ENGLISH

Growing, forming, or existing in the air, as opposed to growing or existing in earth or water, or underground; as, …

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air bladder ENGLISH

A sac or bladder full of air in an animal or plant; also an air hole in a casting.

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air cell ENGLISH

A cavity in the cellular tissue of plants, containing air only.

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air chamber ENGLISH

A chamber or cavity filled with air, in an animal or plant.

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air plant ENGLISH

A plant deriving its sustenance from the air alone; an aerophyte.

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air vessel ENGLISH

A vessel, cell, duct, or tube containing or conducting air; as the air vessels of insects, birds, plants, etc.; the …

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caoutchouc ENGLISH

A tenacious, elastic, gummy substance obtained from the milky sap of several plants of tropical South America (esp. the euphorbiaceous …

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enlarge ENGLISH

To grow large or larger; to be further extended; to expand; as, a plant enlarges by growth; an estate enlarges …

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epiphyte ENGLISH

An air plant which grows on other plants, but does not derive its nourishment from them. See Air plant.

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hothouse ENGLISH

A house kept warm to shelter tender plants and shrubs from the cold air; a place in which the plants …

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lenticel ENGLISH

One of the small, oval, rounded spots upon the stem or branch of a plant, from which the underlying tissues …

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lichen ENGLISH

One of a class of cellular, flowerless plants, (technically called Lichenes), having no distinction of leaf and stem, usually of …

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manau, manaul n k. o. parasitic air plant, with long linear lanceolate leaves radiating from the center: Asplenium nidus.

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The descending, and commonly branching, axis of a plant, increasing in length by growth at its extremity only, not divided …

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síad v {1} [B; b6] become distended or burst, as from internal pressure. Misíad ang ligid human bumbáhi, The tire …

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sira v {1} [A; b5c1] close a window or door. Sirhun (sirhan, isira, sirahun, sirahan) ta ning pwirta, ha? Let …

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To draw in, or imbibe, by any process resembles sucking; to inhale; to absorb; as, to suck in air; the …

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water spider ENGLISH

An aquatic European spider (Argyoneta aquatica) which constructs its web beneath the surface of the water on water plants. It …

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