"Adversarious" is a word in ENGLISH

adversarious ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

Today I bent the truth to be kind and I have no regret for I am far surer of what is kind that I am of what is true.

Robert Brault

Laugh your heart out.

I think I hear burglars, dear. Are you awake? No!

active ENGLISH

In action; actually proceeding; working; in force; -- opposed to quiescent, dormant, or extinct; as, active laws; active hostilities; an …

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adversary ENGLISH

One who is turned against another or others with a design to oppose or resist them; a member of an …

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adverse ENGLISH

In hostile opposition to; unfavorable; unpropitious; contrary to one's wishes; unfortunate; calamitous; afflictive; hurtful; as, adverse fates, adverse circumstances, things …

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affront ENGLISH

To face in defiance; to confront; as, to affront death; hence, to meet in hostile encounter.

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affront ENGLISH

An encounter either friendly or hostile.

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aggress ENGLISH

To commit the first act of hostility or offense; to begin a quarrel or controversy; to make an attack; -- …

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aggression ENGLISH

The first attack, or act of hostility; the first act of injury, or first act leading to a war or …

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aggressor ENGLISH

The person who first attacks or makes an aggression; he who begins hostility or a quarrel; an assailant.

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Friendly; mutually for-bearing; agreed or assented to by parties having conflicting Interests or a dispute; as opposed to hostile or …

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Hostile to priests or the priesthood.

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antisocial ENGLISH

Tending to interrupt or destroy social intercourse; averse to society, or hostile to its existence; as, antisocial principles.

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armistice ENGLISH

A cessation of arms for a short time, by convention; a temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement; a truce.

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A suspending or cessation of hostilities between belligerent nations or forces for a considerable time

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assail ENGLISH

To attack with violence, or in a vehement and hostile manner; to assault; to molest; as, to assail a man …

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assail ENGLISH

To attack morally, or with a view to produce changes in the feelings, character, conduct, existing usages, institutions; to attack …

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belligerently ENGLISH

In a belligerent manner; hostilely.

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To go on board of, or enter, as a ship, whether in a hostile or a friendly way.

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boarding ENGLISH

The act of entering a ship, whether with a hostile or a friendly purpose.

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bushwhacker ENGLISH

A guerrilla; a marauding assassin; one who pretends to be a peaceful citizen, but secretly harasses a hostile force or …

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caravan ENGLISH

A company of travelers, pilgrims, or merchants, organized and equipped for a long journey, or marching or traveling together, esp. …

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