"Adventured" is a word in ENGLISH

adventured ENGLISH

of Adventure

Few words of positivity

It is better to lose and gain the love, than win and lose the love.

Debasish Mridha

Laugh your heart out.

How did the toad die ? He simply croaked !

abintura CEBUANO

abintúra n {1} adventures. {2} adventure film, story. Makítà siya sa mga lílas abintúra, He appears in adventure films. v …

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abinturar CEBUANO

abinturar v [AN; b5] try ones luck. Miabinturar (nangabinturar) lang siyag aplay básig madáwat, He tried his luck in applying …

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An adventure. 2 Mon. Angl. 615; Townsh. Pi. 50. Flotson, jet-son, and lagon are styled adventures marie, (adventures of the …

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adventure ENGLISH

The encountering of risks; hazardous and striking enterprise; a bold undertaking, in which hazards are to be encountered, and the …

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adventure ENGLISH

That which happens without design; chance; hazard; hap; hence, chance of danger or loss.

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adventure ENGLISH

To venture upon; to run the risk of; to dare.

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adventure ENGLISH

A mercantile or speculative enterprise of hazard; a venture; a shipment by a merchant on his own account.

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adventure ENGLISH

To try the chance; to take the risk.

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adventure ENGLISH

A remarkable occurrence; a striking event; a stirring incident; as, the adventures of one's life.

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adventure ENGLISH

To risk, or hazard; jeopard; to venture.

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adventure ENGLISH

Risk; danger; peril.

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In mercantile law

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adventureful ENGLISH

Given to adventure.

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adventurer ENGLISH

A social pretender on the lookout for advancement.

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adventurer ENGLISH

One who adventures; as, the merchant adventurers; one who seeks his fortune in new and hazardous or perilous enterprises.

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adventuresome ENGLISH

Full of risk; adventurous; venturesome.

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adventuress ENGLISH

A female adventurer; a woman who tries to gain position by equivocal means.

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adventurous ENGLISH

Inclined to adventure; willing to incur hazard; prone to embark in hazardous enterprise; rashly daring; -- applied to persons.

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