"Administered" is a word in ENGLISH

administered ENGLISH

of Administer

Few words of positivity

the way to create art is to burn and destroyordinary concepts and to substitute themwith new truths that run down from the top of the headand out of the heart

Charles Bukowski

Laugh your heart out.

You Might be a Marine Wife if:1. Your mail goes to four addresses in two countries before it reaches you. 2. You earned an Accounting degree by deciphering your husband's LES and running a family on what was ACTUALLY deposited. 3. "Savings" sounds like a great idea and you hope to someday have some. 4. Sex - see #3. 5. You can simultaneously be a control freak, change plans on a moment's notice, yet you are not being treated for schizophrenia. 6. You know the Tricare regulations/procedures better than their service reps. 7. You know what forms you need better than your husband's Admin clerk. 8. You are strangely attracted (or repulsed) by the color green. 9. You can calculate the cost of a 5-minute phone call from any country, any time, on up to four different calling plans. 10. At a distance, you can pick out your husband from 100 other men with identical haircuts and clo thes. 11. The face paint in your closet is NOT for your children. 12. Name tapes are not just for kids.

adhibit ENGLISH

To use or apply; to administer.

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Adjecttve Law LAW AND LEGAL

The aggregate of rules of procedure or practlce. As opposed to that body of law which the courts are es-tablished …

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administer ENGLISH
administer ENGLISH

To contribute; to bring aid or supplies; to conduce; to minister.

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administer ENGLISH

To apply, as medicine or a remedy; to give, as a dose or something beneficial or suitable. Extended to a …

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administer ENGLISH

To dispense; to serve out; to supply; execute; as, to administer relief, to administer the sacrament.

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administer ENGLISH

To manage or conduct, as public affairs; to direct or superintend the execution, application, or conduct of; as, to administer …

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administer ENGLISH

To tender, as an oath.

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administer ENGLISH

To perform the office of administrator; to act officially; as, A administers upon the estate of B.

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administer ENGLISH

To settle, as the estate of one who dies without a will, or whose will fails of an executor.

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Administer LAW AND LEGAL

To discharge the duties of an office; to take charge of business; to manage affairs; to serve in the conduct …

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administrable ENGLISH

Capable of being administered; as, an administrable law.

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administrant ENGLISH

One who administers.

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The act of administering, or tendering something to another; dispensation; as, the administration of a medicine, of an oath, of …

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The act of administering; government of public affairs; the service rendered, or duties assumed, in conducting affairs; the conducting of …

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Pertaining to administration; administering; executive; as, an administrative body, ability, or energy.

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administrator ENGLISH

One who administers affairs; one who directs, manages, executes, or dispenses, whether in civil, judicial, political, or ecclesiastical affairs; a …

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A woman who administers; esp., one who administers the estate of an intestate, or to whom letters of administration have …

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