"Adductor" is a word in ENGLISH

adductor ENGLISH

A muscle which draws a limb or part of the body toward
the middle line of the body, or closes extended parts of the body; --
opposed to abductor; as, the adductor of the eye, which turns the eye
toward the nose.

Few words of positivity

The past is only making you to spill tears, tears of joy or tears pain. But anyway they are making you sad, for the things you had and will never have again.


Laugh your heart out.

Q: What did the Egyptian man say to the Egyptian woman? A: "Come behind the pyramid, and I'll make you a mummy!"

acceleration ENGLISH

The act of accelerating, or the state of being accelerated; increase of motion or action; as, a falling body moves …

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adducent ENGLISH

Bringing together or towards a given point; -- a word applied to those muscles of the body which pull one …

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adduction ENGLISH

The action by which the parts of the body are drawn towards its axis]; -- opposed to abduction.

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bátì v {1} [A23; a12] feel s.t. , have symptoms of a sickness. Dì ka mubátig kasakit íning dagúma, You …

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cephalad ENGLISH

Forwards; towards the head or anterior extremity of the body; opposed to caudad.

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concentrate ENGLISH

To bring to, or direct toward, a common center; to unite more closely; to gather into one body, mass, or …

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Gradual failure of health, strength, soundness, prosperity, or of any species of excellence or perfection; tendency toward dissolution or extinction; …

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deflection ENGLISH

A deviation of the rays of light toward the surface of an opaque body; inflection; diffraction.

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That part of a body, having several sides, which may be seen from one point, or which is presented toward …

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gardant ENGLISH

Turning the head towards the spectator, but not the body; -- said of a lion or other beast.

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gravitation ENGLISH

That species of attraction or force by which all bodies or particles of matter in the universe tend toward each …

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gravity ENGLISH

The tendency of a mass of matter toward a center of attraction; esp., the tendency of a body toward the …

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huwis n judge. v {1} [B16] be, become a judge. Huwisun siya sa Bugu, He will be made a judge …

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inclinnation ENGLISH

A tendency towards another body or point.

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In the law of divorce, a specles of cruelty addressed to the mind, sen-slbllities, self-respect, or personal honor of the …

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kuntra CEBUANO

kuntra a {1} s.t. contrary to ones liking. Kuntra ku giyud nang táwung palahúbug, I very much dislike people who …

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lákad v {1} [A; a] step over s.t. Dílì ku makalákad sa kanal kay pinsil ang ákung palda, I cannot …

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That part of surrounding space toward which the left side of one's body is turned; as, the house is on …

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any one of five points in the plane of a system of two large astronomical bodies orbiting each other, as …

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límin v {1} [A13; b] wrap cloth around the body, swaddle. Lanahi ang pinútì unyà limíni ug lampin, Put oil …

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