"Ad Quem" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL


To which. A term used in the computation of time or distance, as cor-relative to a quo; denotes the end or termi-nal point. See A Quo

Few words of positivity

If our sex life were determined by our first youthful experiments, most of the world would be doomed to celibacy. In no area of human experience are human beings more convinced that something better can be had only if they persevere.

P.D. James, The Children of Men

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the two Blondes that were found frozen to death in their car at the drive-in movie theater?They went to see "Closed for Winter".

unlikely ENGLISH

Not holding out a prospect of success; likely to fail; unpromising; as, unlikely means.

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tyanggi CEBUANO

tyanggi n marketplace. paN- v [A2; c] go marketing. Tagái kug kwartang ipanyanggi, Give me some money to go marketing …

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To take for granted; to assume without proof.

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beginning ENGLISH

That which is begun; a rudiment or element.

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ephemera ENGLISH

A genus of insects including the day flies, or ephemeral flies. See Ephemeral fly, under Ephemeral.

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landfall ENGLISH

Sighting or making land when at sea.

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latitat ENGLISH

A writ based upon the presumption that the person summoned was hiding.

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Want of respectability.

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bijoutry ENGLISH

Small articles of virtu, as jewelry, trinkets, etc.

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thomsonian ENGLISH

A believer in Thomsonianism; one who practices Thomsonianism.

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quotient ENGLISH

The result of any process inverse to multiplication. See the Note under Multiplication.

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bedouin ENGLISH

One of the nomadic Arabs who live in tents, and are scattered over Arabia, Syria, and northern Africa, esp. in …

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takmag CEBUANO

takmag v [A; b(1)] for a male animal to mount on the female. Basta mangúlag ang anay, mutakmag giyud ang …

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thrust ENGLISH

The breaking down of the roof of a gallery under its superincumbent weight.

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pranella GAY LINGO

praning - nutella

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To make free; to set at liberty; to rid of that which confines, limits, embarrasses, oppresses, etc.; to release; to …

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bingwit CEBUANO

bingwit v {1} [A1N; a12b2] catch fish in shallow waters with a hook and line, usually using also a fishing …

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cripple ENGLISH

To deprive of strength, activity, or capability for service or use; to disable; to deprive of resources; as, to be …

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In old Scotch law. A maire; an officer or executor of summons, otherwise called “praeco regis.” Skene

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