"Acrimonious" is a word in ENGLISH

acrimonious ENGLISH

Caustic; bitter-tempered' sarcastic; as, acrimonious
dispute, language, temper.

acrimonious ENGLISH

Acrid; corrosive; as, acrimonious gall.

Few words of positivity

I don't consider myself a feminist, but I feel very empowered as a woman, and I've used all my resources widely. I believe in equality, but that's just naturally happening. I still want a door opened for me, to be treated like a lady, but I also want equal rights for women, of course.

Pamela Anderson

Laugh your heart out.

What's a python's favourite pop group ? Squeeze !


kasuayón - Cause or origin of a quarrel, quarrelsomeness. (súay).

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conclusible ENGLISH

Demonstrable; determinable.

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empale ENGLISH

To put to death by thrusting a sharpened stake through the body.

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Fig.: Sharp; keen; severe; as, a tart reply; tart language; a tart rebuke.

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iás - A grain (separated from the ear), a shelled pea or bean, or the like. Madámù ang mga iás …

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checky ENGLISH

Divided into small alternating squares of two tinctures; -- said of the field or of an armorial bearing.

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huní - Humming, chirping, singing, warbling; to hum, chirp, chirm, chirrup, cheep, chirk, murmur, drone, sough, warble, carol, sing (of …

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To use a razor for removing the beard; to cut closely; hence, to be hard and severe in a bargain; …

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horsemint ENGLISH

In England, the wild mint (Mentha sylvestris).

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pígaw - Frail, feeble, weak, infirm, delicate; to become frail, feeble, infirm, to weaken (intransitive). Nagpígaw siá kútub sang pagbalatián …

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genevan ENGLISH

A supported of Genevanism.

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dichotomous ENGLISH

Regularly dividing by pairs from bottom to top; as, a dichotomous stem.

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Left, as opposed to right.

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heterosis ENGLISH

A figure of speech by which one form of a noun, verb, or pronoun, and the like, is used for …

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Gaol Delivery LAW AND LEGAL

In criminal law. The delivery or clearing of a gaol of the prls-oners confined therein, by trying them

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vegetarian ENGLISH

One who holds that vegetables and fruits are the only proper food for man. Strict vegetarians eat no meat, eggs, …

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tamban TAGALOG

tamban Definition: (noun) herring

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To sicken; to nauseate; as, an emetic turns one's stomach.

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mystery ENGLISH

A profound secret; something wholly unknown, or something kept cautiously concealed, and therefore exciting curiosity or wonder; something which has …

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