"Achieved" is a word in ENGLISH

achieved ENGLISH

of Achieve

Few words of positivity

To defend a country you need an army, but to defend a civilization you need education.

Jonathan Sacks

Laugh your heart out.

Why do the hamburgers beat the hot dogs at every sport they play?Because hot dogs are the wurst!


A, as a prefix to English words, is derived from various sources. (1) It frequently signifies on or in (from …

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achievable ENGLISH

Capable of being achieved.

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achieve ENGLISH

To finish; to kill.

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achieve ENGLISH

To carry on to a final close; to bring out into a perfected state; to accomplish; to perform; -- as, …

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achieve ENGLISH

To obtain, or gain, as the result of exertion; to succeed in gaining; to win.

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achievement ENGLISH

A great or heroic deed; something accomplished by valor, boldness, or praiseworthy exertion; a feat.

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achievement ENGLISH

The act of achieving or performing; an obtaining by exertion; successful performance; accomplishment; as, the achievement of his object.

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achievement ENGLISH

An escutcheon or ensign armorial; now generally applied to the funeral shield commonly called hatchment.

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achiever ENGLISH

One who achieves; a winner.

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answerable ENGLISH

Proportionate; commensurate; suitable; as, an achievement answerable to the preparation for it.

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attain ENGLISH

To achieve or accomplish, that is, to reach by efforts; to gain; to compass; as, to attain rest.

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A professional poet and singer, as among the ancient Celts, whose occupation was to compose and sing verses in honor …

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behind ENGLISH

Left a distance by, in progress of improvement Hence: Inferior to in dignity, rank, knowledge, or excellence, or in any …

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chevisance ENGLISH

Achievement; deed; performance.

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consummate ENGLISH

To bring to completion; to raise to the highest point or degree; to complete; to finish; to perfect; to achieve.

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decoration ENGLISH

Specifically, any mark of honor to be worn upon the person, as a medal, cross, or ribbon of an order …

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Illustrious act; achievement; exploit.

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difficulty ENGLISH

Something difficult; a thing hard to do or to understand; that which occasions labor or perplexity, and requires skill and …

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