"Accessories" is a word in ENGLISH

accessories ENGLISH

of Accessory

Few words of positivity

You will never turn from a sin you don’t hate.

Jen Wilkin

Laugh your heart out.

A Japanese guy is at Los Angeles International Airport, waiting for his flight back home to Japan. While he's waiting, he goes to the currency exchange counter to change his remaining dollars.He counts his money at the counter. "Wait a minute," he says to the clerk, "When I came here I got more dollars for my yen. What's going on here?""Fluctuations." says the clerk.The Japanese man stiffens. "Well! Fluck you Americans, too!"

accessary ENGLISH

Accompanying, as a subordinate; additional; accessory; esp., uniting in, or contributing to, a crime, but not as chief actor. See …

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accessorial ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to an accessory; as, accessorial agency, accessorial guilt.

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accessorily ENGLISH

In the manner of an accessory; auxiliary.

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accessoriness ENGLISH

The state of being accessory, or connected subordinately.

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accessory ENGLISH

Same as Accessary, n.

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accessory ENGLISH

Anything that enters into a work of art without being indispensably necessary, as mere ornamental parts.

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accessory ENGLISH

Accompanying as a subordinate; aiding in a secondary way; additional; connected as an incident or subordinate to a principal; contributing …

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accessory ENGLISH

That which belongs to something else deemed the principal; something additional and subordinate.

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Anything which ls joined to another thing as an ornament, or to ren-der it more perfect, or which accompanies it …

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Accessory Action LAW AND LEGAL

In Scotch prac-tice. An action which is subservient or auxiliary to another, of this kind are ac-Aions of “proving the …

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Accessory Obligation LAW AND LEGAL

In the civil law. An obligation which is incident to another or principal obligation; the obli-gation of a surety. Poth. …

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accomplice ENGLISH

An associate in the commission of a crime; a participator in an offense, whether a principal or an accessory.

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adjective ENGLISH

A dependent; an accessory.

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Adminiculum LAW AND LEGAL

Lat. An adminicle; a prop or support; an accessory thing. An aid or support to something else, whether a right …

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Adstipulator LAW AND LEGAL

In Roman law. An accessory party to a promise, who received the same promise as his principal did, and conld …

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anapophysis ENGLISH

An accessory process in many lumbar vertebrae.

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append ENGLISH

To add, as an accessory to the principal thing; to annex; as, notes appended to this chapter.

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Something added as an accessory to or the subordinate part of an-other thing. State v. Fertig, 70 Iowa, 272, 30 …

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appurtenance ENGLISH

That which belongs to something else; an adjunct; an appendage; an accessory; something annexed to another thing more worthy; in …

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