"Accentually" is a word in ENGLISH

accentually ENGLISH

In an accentual manner; in accordance with accent.

Few words of positivity

I am very proud of this work because it is more about the meaning of the Easter Rising and its relationship to what this whole century has been about, people liberating themselves, freeing themselves.

Leon Uris

Laugh your heart out.

A student engineer in the office got engaged some time ago. At herwedding, I was reminding her of the first day she wore her ring. Noneof the other women in the office even noticed.Finally, in sheer and total exasperation, she said "Boy !!! It's sowarm in here today, I think I'll take off my ring."

accentuable ENGLISH

Capable of being accented.

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accentual ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to accent; characterized or formed by accent.

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accentuality ENGLISH

The quality of being accentual.

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accentuate ENGLISH

To pronounce with an accent or with accents.

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accentuate ENGLISH

To bring out distinctly; to make prominent; to emphasize.

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accentuate ENGLISH

To mark with the written accent.

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accentuation ENGLISH

pitch or modulation of the voice in reciting portions of the liturgy.

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accentuation ENGLISH

Act of accentuating; applications of accent.

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That elevation of voice now called metrical accentuation, or the rhythmic accent.

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dágmit - Emphasis, stress, accent; to emphasize, accentuate, stress, put an accent on. Ang katapúsan nga bokál nga nadagmitán. The …

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dalagmiton HILIGAYNON

dalagmíton - (H) That is to be, or should be, practised, emphasized, accentuated, paid quick attention to, etc. (cf. dágmit).

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kadágmit - Quickness, swiftness, haste, (especially applied to speaking); emphasis, pronunciation, accentuation. (dágmit).

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The accentual mark placed over n, and sometimes over l, in Spanish words [thus, , /], indicating that, in pronunciation, …

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