"Abusive" is a word in ENGLISH

abusive ENGLISH

Given to misusing; also, full of abuses.

abusive ENGLISH

Containing abuse, or serving as the instrument of abuse;
vituperative; reproachful; scurrilous.

abusive ENGLISH

Tending to deceive; fraudulent; cheating.

abusive ENGLISH

Practicing abuse; prone to ill treat by coarse, insulting
words or by other ill usage; as, an abusive author; an abusive fellow.

abusive ENGLISH

Wrongly used; perverted; misapplied.

Few words of positivity

Dreams are only dreams until you wake up and make them real.

Ned Vizzini, It's Kind of a Funny Story

Laugh your heart out.

A defense attorney was cross-examining a police officer during a felony trial -- it went like this:Q: Officer, did you see my client fleeing the scene?A: No sir, but I subsequently observed a person matching the description of the offender running several blocks away.Q: Officer, who provided this description?A: The officer who responded to the scene.Q: A fellow officer provided the description of this so-called offender. Do you trust your fellow officers?A: Yes sir, with my life.Q: With your life? Let me ask you this then officer, do you have a locker room in the police station, a room where you change your clothes in preparation for your daily duties?A: Yes sir, we do.Q: And do you have a locker in that room?A: Yes sir, I do.Q: And do you have a lock on your locker?A: Yes sir.Q: Now why is it, officer, if you trust your fellow of ficers with your life, that you find it necessary to lock your locker in a room you share with those officers?A: You see sir, we share the building with a court complex, and sometimes defense attorneys have been known to walk through that room.


To use ill; to maltreat; to act injuriously to; to punish or to tax excessively; to hurt; as, to abuse …

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Physical ill treatment; injury.

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bálì v [A; a] break s.t. long. Mibálì siyag sanga, He broke o? a twig. Nabálì ang ákung buktun, I …

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dakdak CEBUANO

dakdak v {1} [B12; b8] fall down with a bang. Pisti ning pálut sa ságing, mau niy nakadakdak (nakapadakdak) nákù, …

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húraw v {1} [A; a12] drive s. o. or s.t. away. Huráwa ang bábuy nga nangáun sa kamúti, Drive away …

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ígù a {1} enough, big enough. Ígù ba ang sapátus nímu? Are the shoes big enough for you? Ígù na …

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lùlù v {1} [A; abc] masturbate. Dì na muutug bísan pag lùlúun, I cant get an erection, even if I …

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maltreament ENGLISH

Ill treatment; ill usage; abuse.

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maltreat ENGLISH

To treat ill; to abuse; to treat roughly.

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misuse ENGLISH

To abuse; to treat ill.

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ságad sagdi short for pasagdi. see pa-(), 2a. pa- v [A2S; b6] {1} do s.t. without adequate preparation or forethought. …

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tubi-tubi HILIGAYNON

tubí-túbi - To abuse, treat ill, mistreat, scorn, despise. (cf. támay, ahígahíg, pígos, limólimó).

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