"Abdominous" is a word in ENGLISH

abdominous ENGLISH

Having a protuberant belly; pot-bellied.

Few words of positivity

Jesus in the Temple of God in JerusalemMatthew 2112: AND JESUS WENT INTO THE TEMPLE OF GOD, AND CAST OUT ALL THEM THAT SOLD AND BOUGHT IN THE TEMPLE, AND OVERTHROW THE TABLES OF THE MONEY-CHANGERS, AND THE SEATS OF THEM THAT SOLD DOVESRebellion is individual. It comes out of the truth of one being.Revolutions are organized, but you can not organize a rebellion.Revolutions becomes establishment, and then they fail.Rebellion comes out of the truth and authenticity of one being's heart.Revolution is organized and political, rebellion is spiritual.A revolution is of the future, rebellion is here and now.In revolution, you try to change others, in rebellion you change yourself.Jesus is a rebel.Christianity is the organized religion, which appeared after Jesus was murdered.Christianity is established by the same establishment that Jesus rebelled against.Jesus is a rebel, who lived out of his own love, truth and understanding.AND HE SAID TO THEM, IT IS WRITTEN, MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED THE HOUSE OF PRAYERJesus entered the temple of God in Jerusalem, and saw that the temple had been destryed. It was not a house of prayer.People were not meditating, people were not praying. The temple was no longer the abode of God.Priests have always been against God. The talk about God, but they are basically against God. They do not teach truth.The temple of God in Jerusalem had been destroyed by the priests.Christianity is based on one simple word: love. But the result of Christianity is wars, murder and crusades.The priests go on talking about love, but he does not live in love.AND HE SAID UNTO THEM, IT IS WRITTEN, MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED THE HOUSE OF PRAYER; BUT YE HAVE MADE IT A DEN OF THIEVESJesus says that the temple of God, is not longer a house of prayer. It is a house of thieves.AND WHEN HE WAS COME INTO THE TEMPLE, THE CHIEF PRIESTS AND THE ELDERS OF THE PEOPLE CAME UNTO HIM AS HE WAS TEACHING AND SAID, BY WHAT AUTHORITY DOES THOU THESE THINGS? AND WHO GAVE THEE THIS AUTHORITY?Organized religion always asks about authority, status, as if truth needs some authority, some licensing from the outside.The priests talks the language of the establishment, even while meeting a mystic like Jesus.Truth arises from your own being, this is the inner authority.Truth is born out of your own being.The priests asks Jesus who has given him the authority to overthrow the tables of the money-changers? Who has given him the authority to change the rules of the temple?But Jesus did not answer the priests. He remained silent. Jesus is his own authority. Jesus whole message is to be your own authority. You are not here to follow anybody. You are here to be yourself.Your life is yours. Your love is your inner being. The priests wanted to arrest Jesus and throw him into prison, but they were afraid of the masses of people who listened to Jesus.They had to wait for the right moment to arrest him.The authentic mystic is always a danger to the priests and the organized religion.When you can allow the yes to be born in you, there is no need to go to a temple.Then God desends in you. Whenever a man is ready, God finds him.

Swami Dhyan Giten

Laugh your heart out.

Three cowboys were hanging out in the bunkhouse. "I know that smart aleck Tex," said the first. "He's going to start bragging about that new foreign car he bought as soon as he gets back." "Not Tex," the second cowboy replied. "He'll always be just a good ol' boy. When he walks in, I'm sure all he'll say is hello." "I know Tex better than either of you," said the third. "He's so smart, he'll figure out a way to do both. Here he comes now." Tex swung open the bunkhouse door and shouted, "Audi, partners!"


álom - (H) A mole, a small, black (or even white) spot or pimple, never larger than a wart. It …

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báknal - To swell out, be protuberant, bulge, protrude, (as a full pocket or the like). Nagabáknal ang íya bólsa. …

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A roundish protuberant portion of some part of the body; as, the ball of the thumb; the ball of the …

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basipterygoid ENGLISH

Applied to a protuberance of the base of the sphenoid bone.

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To swell and become protuberant, like the belly; to bulge.

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The part of anything which resembles the human belly in protuberance or in cavity; the innermost part; as, the belly …

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The protuberant part of a cask, which is usually in the middle.

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bíngkol - A knob, protuberance; the hipbone prominent in a horse, ass, etc. (cf. bokól, pískil).

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biventral ENGLISH

Having two bellies or protuberances; as, a biventral, or digastric, muscle, or the biventral lobe of the cerebellum.

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blubbery ENGLISH

Swollen; protuberant.

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bóklon - Knobby, knotty, bumpy, having one or more hard—bumps,— protuberances,—swellings. Ang may bokól ginatawág nga bóklon. That which has …

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bokól - Knob, hard protuberance, stud, boss, bump, hard swelling. (cf. bokóbóko). bókon, To fill a narrow space, be enclosed …

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Any protuberant part; a round, swelling part or body; a knoblike process; as, a boss of wood.

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A protuberant ornament on any work, either of different material from that of the work or of the same, as …

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bottled ENGLISH

Having the shape of a bottle; protuberant.

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bóy-on - A fat, protuberant stomach.

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boy-ónan - Having a fat, protuberant stomach, pot-bellied. (cf. bóy-on).

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Full, strong muscles, esp. of the arm or leg, muscular strength; a protuberant muscular part of the body; sometimes, the …

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breast ENGLISH

Either one of the protuberant glands, situated on the front of the chest or thorax in the female of man …

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A small protuberance on the stem or branches of a plant, containing the rudiments of future leaves, flowers, or stems; …

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