"Abacuses" is a word in ENGLISH

abacuses ENGLISH

of Abacus

Few words of positivity

It is not that men become too intelligent for God,' says the Apologist, 'but rather they become too arrogant for intelligence.

Criss Jami

Laugh your heart out.

Q. What should you give a man who has everything?A. A woman to show him how to work it.

abacist ENGLISH

One who uses an abacus in casting accounts; a calculator.

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abacus ENGLISH

A calculating table or frame; an instrument for performing arithmetical calculations by balls sliding on wires, or counters in grooves, …

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abacus ENGLISH

A tablet, panel, or compartment in ornamented or mosaic work.

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abacus ENGLISH

A table or tray strewn with sand, anciently used for drawing, calculating, etc.

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abacus ENGLISH

A board, tray, or table, divided into perforated compartments, for holding cups, bottles, or the like; a kind of cupboard, …

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abacus ENGLISH

The uppermost member or division of the capital of a column, immediately under the architrave. See Column.

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The great-grandfather’s or great-grandmother’s grandfather; a fourth grandfather. The ascendlng line of llneal ancestry runs thus: Pater, Avus, Proavus, Abacus, …

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That part of the capital of a column included between the abacus and neck molding; also used for the naked …

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boultin ENGLISH

A molding, the convexity of which is one fourth of a circle, being a member just below the abacus in …

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capital ENGLISH

The head or uppermost member of a column, pilaster, etc. It consists generally of three parts, abacus, bell (or vase), …

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coussinet ENGLISH

That part of the Ionic capital between the abacus and quarter round, which forms the volute.

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Belonging to, or resembling, the oldest and simplest of the three orders of architecture used by the Greeks, but ranked …

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epistyle ENGLISH

A massive piece of stone or wood laid immediately on the abacus of the capital of a column or pillar; …

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gothic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a style of architecture with pointed arches, steep roofs, windows large in proportion to the wall …

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A caulicule or little volute under the abacus of the Corinthian capital.

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schwanpan ENGLISH
swanpan ENGLISH

The Chinese abacus; a schwanpan.

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